Was your last headshot captured a decade ago? : Jackson, Michigan Photographer : Mid Michigan Photog

When it comes to business images it seems that most dread the thought of taking the time to capture a new professional image.
Truth be told, taking the time to update an image that represents you and your business is time well spent! In our age of social media it pays to have an fresh image that makes you look appealing, approachable and welcoming to prospective clients and new customers. You would never want to be overlooked by a competitor just because your own image is from a decade ago and it shows! This can reflect poorly on you and portrays to a consumer that you don't want to invest in your business or care about your reputation in the marketplace.
Our studio can assist you in creating the perfect image that will propel your business and career! We provide professional hair and makeup prior to your photo shoot so you can feel confident and ready to be photographed and we will guide you throughout your shoot so the images we create will be stellar to launch your career over the top of the pack! Invest in yourself and your business! Professional headshots will assist you in having an edge over your competition!