A New Year, a Year to Grow

I always love to blog at the start of a new year. It's almost as if when we enter a new year we are able to wipe the slate clean and to start anew. It's the perfect time to re access where you are in life, to celebrate the victories and to reflect on defeats or misses.
For me personally, the past year was filled with many things that I wanted to accomplish. One of those things that I accomplished was walking 20 miles, the farthest I have ever walked at one time. For my business, I missed some marks that I wanted to tackle and achieve. In spite of not accomplishing all the goals I had set for my business, I will look at the past year as not a year filled with failure but as opportunities missed. As I set my goals for 2023 I will strategize on how to best meet my business goals for the coming year and to not feel defeated and conquered but to learn and to get better to ensure that I reach all that I am hoping to accomplish.
I think that sometimes we put so much pressure on ourselves. We strive to portray this image of ourselves that seems somehow worthy and to be seen as having value. It can be hard regardless of what career you hold. The fact that we live in a social media world where every second can be documented and shared, where you are comparing yourself to others around you is difficult. Although you might be happy for those whom are your "friends" in your social media circle of friends list, it can be hard to cheer them along when you are feeling deflated because you aren't where you want to be in your own life. When I look back at the past year I am proud of things that I achieved. Do I wish that I could have had a more stellar year and exceeded the goals I had set for business? Absolutely! But just because I fell a little short I'm determined to set even higher goals for 2023. I might need to adjust my mindset just a bit to get back on track but I am sure to get to where I want to be if I remain steadfast and resolute.
Not all of our plans happen in the manner and in the time that we would like them to sometimes but that doesn't mean that we should stop dreaming and pursuing the things we want to achieve in life. So as we embark on a new year, we can close the book on the last years chapter, find joy in the things that were accomplished and set intentions to see how the things that did not come to pass might find their way to becoming achievements in the coming year. That's the wonderful thing about a new year. It's filled with new possibilities and potential. Let's see that 2023 is the best year yet!